MSP Copywriting – Part 9

As a quick recap last time, we looked at several ways for increasing the desirability of your sales copy, such as controversy, the 8 main emotions to leverage, and presuppositions. Presuppositions are pretty similar to linguistic binds. Linguistic binds are another covert and sneaky way of getting your point across and accepted ‘under the radar’.…

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MSP Copywriting – Part 7

MSP Copywriting - 18

As a quick recap, we were addressing the interest and desire parts of the ‘AIDA’ model last time and we’ll continue in this session and likely another one or two more sessions as well because there’s just so many helpful ideas you can use and I want to make sure I at least cover most…

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MSP Copywriting – Part 6

As a quick recap, we’ve already taken a brief look at the attention and interest parts of the AIDA model. This section (and the next couple of sections) will contain some more ideas you can use to develop extra interest and, crucially, desire to your sales copy. Please take note that we’re trying to establish…

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MSP Copywriting – Part 5

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As a quick recap, I mentioned AIDA last time as a well-trodden framework that people can use, although there are plenty of others. And I extended it to become URGENT AIDAC which we’ll cover off. Attention is the most important part of the formula (which we skimmed last time) and now we’ve hopefully got your…

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Recent Research : MSPs And Staff Monitoring

Given the importance to MSP owners of recruiting and (more importantly) retaining excellent staff, it’s more vital than ever to maximize the value that they get from the relationship with the business. So to this end, it may be worth reviewing a quick precis about a recent academic study. There’s a 2023 article entitled “Is…

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MSP Copywriting – Part 4

Just as a recap, we’ve covered the three set-up questions, Why you should learn copywriting, Who you’re writing for and What their pain points are. Now, we’ll take a leap into how to construct a sales letter. Traditional sales copy follows a well-known and well-documented formula, you may well have heard of it already, it’s…

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MSP Copywriting – Part 3

A Pizza With a USP

As quick recap from last time, you’ll hopefully recall that we looked at the ‘Who’. Now, I’m obviously not talking about the famous British rock band – instead I was referring to your target market, your avatars, your ideal client profile (ICP). Then we looked at the ‘What’, specifically what their pain-points and challenges were…

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MSP Copywriting – Part 2

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Recap – last time we looked at why learning copywriting is so important – especially for owners of businesses that sell quite technical or complicated products and services. In this section, we’ll look at making a start on planning you sales letter. There are infinite ways to write a sales letter so in this section,…

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MSP Copywriting Tips – Part 1

Why Bother Learning Copywriting?  For an MSP owner, understanding the basics of sales copywriting is a woefully under-appreciated skill. Good sales copy is the bridge connecting your services to potential clients. By grasping at least the essentials, you can have the tools to communicate your value proposition effectively, address pain points directly, and build trust…

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Online Lead Magnets for MSPs

MSP Price Engine

Overview In general, the output of a website that’s designed to create leads can be expressed as :Leads = Visitor Traffic x Conversion Rate % I.e. to get more leads, you can increase the visitor-traffic or the conversion rate … or both. Increasing the traffic to a website is outside the scope of discussion here,…

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