CrowdStrike – What Happened?

Following 8.5 million Microsoft devices being hit by a faulty software update from CrowdStrike causing global chaos, we look at what happened, how, and why.  The Worst Cyber Event In History  The scale of effects of the disruption caused make this event, which began on 18 July (Microsoft) or 19 July (according to CrowdStrike), makes…

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Work Starts On £790m UK Google Data Centre

New UK Google Data Centre

Work has started on Google’s first UK data centre which will cost $1 billion (£790m), will add to Google’s 27 data centres worldwide, and will support its move into AI.  Crucial Compute Capacity  The data centre is being built on a 33-acre site at Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire. In addition to the construction and technical jobs…

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UK’s First Till-less ‘Walk Out’ Shop

Amazon has opened its first ‘no-till, just walk out’ grocery store in London where customers are automatically billed on exiting the store. Frictionless The new Amazon Fresh store offers a “frictionless” experience to shoppers as they are given what feels like an incredible level of trust and hopefully save time in the shop thanks to the use…

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Combatting Fake News

The spread of misinformation/disinformation/fake news by a variety of media including digital and printed stories and deepfake videos is a growing threat in what has been described as out ‘post-truth era’, and many people, organisations and governments are looking for effective ways to weed out fake news, and to help people to make informed judgements…

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AI Better at Breast Cancer Detection Than Doctors

Researchers at Good Health have created an AI program which, in tests, has proven to be more accurate at detecting and diagnosing breast cancer than expert human radiologists. Trained The AI software, which was developed by Good Health researchers in conjunction DeepMind, Cancer Research UK Imperial Centre, Northwestern University and Royal Surrey County Hospital was ‘trained’ to…

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Your Online Ad Updates

This week finds Facebook cracking down on Clickbait and “dodgy” political adverts whilst launching a war room to combat negative content, Bing has launched a new BingBot technology to help crawl more efficiently, Google Ads unveils new reporting tools to help marketers understand landing page reach, and more … Facebook to “Out” Political Advertising Funders…

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Ad Updates – 07.09.18

Here are your latest online ad updates (below) Previous articles are here : The news this week finds Google publishing support for its new “responsive search” platform, The Drum offers unique insight into consumer attitudes and the importance of ad view duration timescales, The NY Times argues Amazon will be the…

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‘See In The Dark’ Phone Camera

Chinese electronics company Huawei is heading to the European market with a smartphone that uses a long exposure and AI to take photos in near-dark conditions without a flash. How? The revolutionary phone camera is able to gather enough light to take a photo in near dark conditions thanks to an exposure lasting up to…

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Your Computer Data Stored … On DNA?

British scientists believe they have developed a technique that will enable them to store computer files in DNA code. Why? Data storage takes up a huge amount of space. It is estimated that there is now 3 zettabytes (3000 billion billion bytes) of digital data, with more being generated all the time. Also, storage media…

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50 Million Facebook User’s Data With Cambridge Analytica

Facebook is at the heart of a storm after a whistleblower alleged that the data analytics firm that worked with Donald Trump’s election team and the winning Brexit campaign harvested 50 million Facebook profiles from a data breach. Why? London-based data analytics company, Cambridge Analytica, which was once headed by Trump’s key adviser Steve Bannon,…

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