Getting Your Best Stuff “Above The Fold” On Your MSP Website

The “fold” harks back to newspaper days when the Publishers used to fold newspapers in half for display, allowing passersby to only see the top portion of the front page. To entice potential customers into purchasing a copy, publishers recognised that the content visible at a glance needed to be attention-grabbing. As a result, they placed the most striking headlines “above the fold” to capture the eye of potential customers.

Here are a few key things that can dramatically increase your conversion rate from visitors to leads, which is always important but especially important if you’re paying for traffic!

Number 1 – Clear and attention-grabbing headline: A strong headline should be prominent and communicate the main benefit or value proposition of the business.

Number 2 – Call-to-action (CTA): A clear and prominent CTA button or link that encourages users to take a desired action, such as “Sign up now” or “Buy now.”

Number 3 – Navigation menu: A navigation menu that is easy to use and helps users find the information they are looking for.

Number 3 – Contact information: Essential contact information such as a phone number and email address should be easy to find and clearly displayed. Have a link to the contact page but ALWAYS have your phone number on display.

Number 4 – Hero image or video: An engaging hero image or video that captures the essence of the business and provides an immediate visual impression.

Number 5 – Key features or benefits: Highlighting the key features or benefits of the product or service can help communicate the value proposition of the business.

Number 6 – Testimonials or social proof: Including positive customer reviews or other social proof can help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Remember, the above-the-fold area is valuable real estate on a website, so it’s important to balance the need for key information with a clean and visually appealing design. A really good, classic book about usability which you can read in an hour or two is is “Don’t Make Me Think” by Steve Krug which will change the way you see websites forever.


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Mike Knight