White Label Data Protection & Cyber Security Solutions

MKLINK’s branded or non-branded consultancy, training and software services can help MSPs become Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus accredited – we can also help your business gain ISO27001 accredited as well. But what many IT Support companies don’t know is that we can help your clients become Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certified and ISO27001 accredited too, enabling you to resell these services (badged as you, if you like), helping you to create new revenue streams without the need to expand or recruit extra talent.

Our branded or unbranded cybersecurity and data protection services are beneficial value-added services for businesses seeking new avenues of commercial growth. As cybersecurity and data protection – in a post-GDPR landscape – become even more pertinent within the IT estate management ecosystem.

The Figures – A Huge Opportunity

Research from a range of sector trendsetters – from Avecto, Crown Records Management and CybSafe – has identified unpreparedness for GDPR and cybersecurity. GDPR has been enshrined in UK law since 2018. It has affected household name brands from British Airways to Google. Yet, the small and medium-sized business sector who have yet to achieve full GDPR compliance can provide IT support companies with a big opportunity.

Research conducted by the Federation of Small Business highlighted this gap in compliance – with one in five (18%) of smaller businesses still unaware of GDPR. Another statistic found that 34% of small businesses have still not taken definitive steps towards compliance. The figure is even higher for sole traders – with 37% still not GDPR compliant. The average cost, according to the Federation of Small Business, for SMEs to become GDPR compliant is £1,030 per business. With 4.8 million SMEs in the UK, 37% equates to 1.7 million businesses. The untapped potential of this SME marketplace illustrates how offering GDPR and cybersecurity products could help a) improve compliance and b) generate new revenue streams for your IT Support business.

GDPR – It’s Here To Stay

Whilst the GDPR enforcement date has passed, the time to profit from GDPR is now. Additionally, many of those companies that invested in fledgling services prior to GDPR’s legal launch are unhappy with their service providers. SMEs are exploring alternative compliance partnerships that are more complementary to their own businesses. This provides MSPs with an additional revenue stream.

GDPR and cybersecurity are mandatory norms in today’s business environment. The slow uptake provides a catalyst for future profitability. But, going forward, IT Service companies need to understand that when a customer asks about GDPR and other cyber security and data protection services and consultancy – you need to provide them because if you don’t, they will go elsewhere.

Another benefit of using our whitelabel (or branded) GDPR and Cyber Security services is that you can provide additional services to help broaden your technological brand-specific appeal. This can lead to new market verticals and opportunities to develop new and innovate ways of generating new leads.

By placing your IT Support company at the forefront of your client’s GDPR, cyber security and data protection needs, you become a trusted advisor and ambassador in your client’s eyes. This means you can leverage the reality that GDPR and cyber security affects every type of business – which gives you a natural “in” into virtually any type of business – which leads to pathways for additional value-added sales from your in-house portfolio or services.

How MKLINK’s White Label Services Can Help Your Business Grow

As we have already highlighted above, by offering additional value-added services, you could help generate new revenue streams. We can provide your company with the ability to resell our services under your own business brand. Alternatively, we can help you leverage our reseller services for cyber security and data protection to help generate your own revenue streams and keep the two at arm’s length – whichever model you prefer.

We can help you provide Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus self-assessment and accredited verification service provision. We can help you provide the collaborative support necessary to help deliver high quality Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation support.

Furthermore, we can help you provide ISO27001 compliance and accreditation for your clients. We can help you deliver the correct requirements to achieve full accreditation and the auditing process which follows.

By offering these services, you can assess your clients’ compliance and we can help you deliver preparedness training and more.  Furthermore, we can train and deliver auditing and other key competencies that are part of the experience.

This leads to another revenue stream – training. Organisations spend thousands on personal career development. GDPR and cybersecurity are core tenets for organisations looking at developing and upskilling their staff. You can leverage MKLINK’s training resources and re-sell our training packages to help your clients improve their organisational cultures.

We can help you analyse compliance, train compliance and monitor compliance for data protection and cyber security.

Get In Touch With MKLink Today

By partnering with MKLINK and reselling our cybersecurity and data protection you could help drive new leads, improve your cash flow and build a brand that’s trusted by your clients for being the best in class for cybersecurity and GDPR preparedness. Get in touch with us today.