IT & Security News


Security Stop-Press : GoDaddy “Security Incident” Could Affect 1.2 Million

In this week’s security update, GoDaddy has reported a hack/data-breach on its managed WordPress hosting service which could mean that the details of 1.2 million users may have been exposed. Reports indicate that an intruder gained access on Nov 17 by using a stolen password. GoDaddy says that it has blocked the unauthorised third-party from its system,…


How To Know If Someone Has Read Your Email?

In this tech insight, we take a look at the better-known ways of being able to tell if someone has read your email. The Usual Suspects The main ways to tell if a person has read your email include: – Request a read receipt when you compose the email.  The read receipt is then sent…


Digital Markets Act Could Protect Whistleblowers

The EU’s adoption of a proposal on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) on Tuesday not only offers the potential to help tackle the market dominance of big tech businesses but could also protect whistleblowers. What Is The Digital Markets Act? Currently at the proposal stage, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) from the European Commission is…


Self-Powered Mobile Masts Could Beat Remote Off-Grid Challenges

Vodafone’s announcement that it aims to deploy self-powered ‘Eco-Tower’ mobile masts across the UK could mean connections for remote areas as well as environmental benefits. Wind and Solar Powered The new masts will be self-powered, using wind turbine technology, combined with new solar and battery technologies developed through Vodafone working with renewable energy technology specialist Crossflow…

Hamster Crypto-Croaks

Max, a.k.a. “Mr Goxx”, the hamster that found Internet fame through outperforming many human cryptocurrency-traders, has died. Experiment With ‘Wheel’ Results The hamster’s life as a crypto trader was down to him being used as part of an experiment by an anonymous German lecturer and prototyping specialist duo who set out to demonstrate the randomness…

Tidal Power Could Generate 11% Of UK’s Electricity

New research led by the University of Plymouth, and published in Royal Society Proceedings A, shows that tidal stream power could deliver 11 per cent of the UK’s annual electricity and play an important role in the government’s drive for net-zero. What Is Tidal Stream Power? Tidal stream power uses turbines (e.g., a tidal energy converter/TEC) to…


Tech Insight : Elon Musk : ‘Twick’ or Tweet?

In this tech-insight, we take a brief look at billionaire Elon Musk’s usage of Twitter, how and why he makes such use of the platform, and what Mr Musk’s interactions can teach businesses about using Twitter. Who Is Elon Musk? South African-born, business magnate Elon Musk, is the CEO, early investor and Product Architect of…


Pesky Pop-Ups!

In this article, we look at some of the pop-ups that users find most annoying, some of the issues around them, and how users can minimise the annoyance and interruption from them. Pop Up Ads Pop-up (adverts) refer to online advertising that takes the form of an interruptive graphical user interface display area that suddenly…


Apple Introduces “Self-Service Repair”, Starting With iPhone 12 and iPhone 13

‘Right to repair’ campaigners finally had something to celebrate last week as Apple announced its “self-service repair” programme, aimed at “customers who are comfortable with completing their own repairs.” Initial Phase Apple says that the initial phase of the programme, beginning in the US early next year, will be for iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 models,…


Apple’s New ‘Business Essentials’

Apple has announced a new ‘Business Essentials’ service that enables small businesses to easily manage every employee’s iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Device Management Solution For Small Businesses Aimed at business with up to 500 employees, Apple says that ‘Business Essentials’ has been designed to make it easy to manage every aspect of the Apple devices…

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