IT & Security News

Featured Article: How Good Are Chatbots Now?

How Good Are Chatbots Now?

Following the recent story about how a Google Bot was reported to have said things that a sentient being may say, we take a brief look at how good chatbots are now.  What Happened?  Google engineer, Blake Lemoine, recently reported that The Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA ) AI system bot may have feelings…

Internet Explorer ... Explores No More

Internet Explorer … Explores No More

Microsoft has announced the retirement of its famous Internet Explorer browser which is now officially out of support as of June 15, 2022 for certain versions of Windows 10.  Why?  First announced in May 2021 and after 25+ years) Microsoft has announced that “Internet Explorer (IE) is officially retired and out of support as of today,…

Millions Of iPhone Users Could Receive 'Batterygate' Payouts

Millions Of iPhone Users Could Receive ‘Batterygate’ Payouts

Following a claim made by a consumer champion against Apple over the ‘Batterygate’ alleged throttling of older iPhones, millions of people could receive compensation if the claim is successful.  Batterygate  The recent claim in relation to what has become known as ‘Batterygate’ refers to a 2017 software update to iPhones which Apple says was a…

What Is Shopify?

What Is Shopify?

In this insight, we take a look at Shopify, what it offers, and how it has grown to become a major e-commerce platform.  Where And Who?  The Canadian-based Shopify Inc. is a multinational e-commerce company founded in 2006 by Tobias Lütke and Scott Lake after they tried to set up an online store for snowboarding…

Featured Article : What Happened Recently With The ICO?

What Happened Recently With The ICO?

Following news of a Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosure revealing a lack of public reprimands issued over GDPR breaches in the public sector, we take a closer look at the FOI, what it can be used for, and how it’s linked to the ICO.  What Is The Freedom of Information Act?  The Freedom of Information…

Russia Cautions Cyber Attacks May Start Military Confrontation

Russia Cautions Cyber Attacks May Start Military Confrontation

The growing number of cyber-attacks since the start of Russia’s war against Ukraine have led The Russian Foreign Ministry to warn that more western cyber-attacks on its infrastructure could lead to a direct military confrontation.  Housing Ministry Website Hack  The warning followed an apparent cyber-attack on the Russian housing ministry website which led to a…

UK Not Adopting EU’s Universal Charger

UK Not Adopting EU’s Universal Charger

Following the recent news that the EU plans to introduce a single, universal charger for all devices, it has been reported that the UK has said that it is not currently considering copying the idea.  Just One Universal Charger Cable  A week ago, the EU parliament announced that by autumn 2024, USB Type-C will become…

What Is A Blockchain Domain?

What Is A Blockchain Domain?

In this tech-insight, we look at what a blockchain domain is, what it is used for, how to buy one, and what may bring them more into mainstream usage.  What Is Blockchain?  Blockchain is an incorruptible peer-to-peer network (a kind of ledger) that allows multiple parties to transfer value in a secure and transparent way.…

US Supercomputer Breaks The 'Exascale' Barrier

US Supercomputer Breaks The ‘Exascale’ Barrier

The world’s first ‘exascale’ computer, called the ‘Frontier’ computing system (i.e. a supercomputer) from Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, has smashed the exascale computing speed barrier.  What Is The Exascale?  The exascale is a computing system threshold / level of computing performance of a quintillion calculations per second, i.e. a computer that’s capable of…

Free Translation Via Firefox - Even Offline

Free Translation Via Firefox – Even Offline

The new, free Firefox Translations browser extension translates websites in the browser without using the cloud, using machine learning.  Client-Side Translations  Firefox Translations provides automated translation of web content but, unlike cloud-based alternatives, the translation is done locally, on the client-side, so that the text being translated does not leave the user’s machine. With Firefox…

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