IT & Security News

Blockchain-Based Online Voting System To Be Tested

Blockchain-Based Online Voting System To Be Tested

Concordium Blockchain, COBRA, Aarhus University, the Alexandra Institute, and the IT University in Greenland have been given DKK 3.6 million (by DIREC) to research a blockchain-based online voting system for Greenland.  What Is Blockchain & Why Might It Be Good For A Voting System?  Blockchain is an incorruptible peer-to-peer network (a kind of ledger) that…

Politicised PayPal Problems

Politicised PayPal Problems

After PayPal first announcing that it would fine customers for using its services to spread misinformation and then, following a backlash, saying this had been an error, we look at what happened and why.  Policy Update – Fines For Misinformation  Just over a week ago, PayPal was reported to have published an update to its…

WhatsApp For Business?

WhatsApp For Business?

In this article, we look at the features, pros and cons of the business-focused version of WhatsApp.  Launched in 2018  The business-focused Android version of ‘WhatsApp Business’ was launched in January 2018 in the UK, and the iOS version was launched in early 2019. Available for free, but with pricing per message and a cost…

Re-Branding Means Microsoft Office Becomes Microsoft 365

Re-Branding Means Microsoft Office Becomes Microsoft 365

After 30 years of Microsoft Office, a major re-branding will see it being re-named as Microsoft 365 as part of Microsoft’s expansion of its productivity suite.  What, Who, And How?  Microsoft has announced that starting in November, (the Office mobile app and the Office app for Windows) will all become part of the re-branded…


”Sentient” Human/Mouse Brain Plays Video Pong

Dr Brett Kagan, of Cortical Labs, claims not only to have grown the first ”sentient” lab-grown mini-brain in a dish, but also that it can play vintage 1970s video game’ Pong’… albeit badly.  What??  Believe it or not, as explained in the ‘Neuron’ journal, Dr Kagan and his team claim to have lab-grown a ‘DishBrain’ system, made…

What Are 'BEC Campaigns'?

What Are ‘BEC Campaigns’?

In this insight, we look at what BEC campaigns are, their characteristics, together with what businesses can do to protect themselves from the threat of BEC campaigns.  What Is A BEC Campaign?  A business email compromise (BEC) campaign is a kind of text-based, impersonation, social engineering scam where, in most cases, the victim is forwarded…

Forget Hacking, What About Tracking?

Forget Hacking, What About Tracking?

In this article, we look at the many different ways we are being tracked online, plus which measures users can take to avoid being tracked.  Why Are We Being Tracked?  Internet tracking is used for a number of reasons, including:  – Improving user browser experiences on websites.  – For analytics to improve business performance and…

Tech News : 60-Sec AI Scan Now Predicts Your Heart Disease

AI Scan Predicts Your Heart Disease Risk

A new AI-based 60-second retina scanning tool can predict a person’s risk of heart disease by looking at the veins and arteries in their eye.  Level Of Risk Revealed By Looking At Blood Vessels  The test findings of the new ‘Quartz’ tool, published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, show that the AI software takes…

Tech News : Universal Charging Cable Gets EU Vote

Universal Charging Cable Gets EU Vote

Following a provisional agreement in June, the European Parliament has voted in favour of a law to ensure that all devices have a single universal charger.  Why?  Back in June, the EU Parliament highlighted the following reasons why having a single universal charger is necessary:  – Consumers currently face the inconvenience and costs of needing…

A Dozen Microsoft Products You May Not Know About

A Dozen Microsoft Products You May Not Know About

In this insight, we look at a dozen Microsoft products / apps that you may not know much about, but which could be helpful to your businesses.  1. MS Dynamics CRM. Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 a flexible, customisable pay as you use CRM which has 5 million+ users. The benefits include that it seamlessly integrates with other…

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