IT & Security News

Tech News : Even After Opting Out, Your Data May Still Be Shared

The Biggest Marketing ‘Secret’

The most effective thing that an MSP business owner (or indeed any business owner) can do that dramatically multiply their success is to set assign time to “working on the business”. Yes, it’s a cliche but it really is the most important part of marketing. Even just a couple of hours a week, every week,…

Featured Article : Working Trends And The Effects Of AI

Working Trends And The Effects Of AI

In this article, we look at how generative AI could change work and jobs going forwards, plus how it could help businesses adopt new work trends such as a 4-day week.  The Rise Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – A Timeline  AI has been many decades in the making. For example, the field of AI was…

Tech-Trivia : Did You Know?

The Eighth Wonder of Moore’s Law

Further to the news that Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, died last week, it’s a reminder that also last-week-in-history (22 March 1993), Intel announced it would be shipping its Pentium microprocessor. This was the successor to the Intel 486, and it was a massive undertaking that involved thousands of engineers and scientists, and it took…

Tech Insight : ChatGPT Unleashed To Access The Web Via Plugins

ChatGPT Freed To Access The Web Via Plugins

Conversational chatbot ChatGPT’s creators OpenAI have announced that ChatGPT will now be able to use plugins to improve its capabilities and outputs.  Plugins Coming To ChatGPT  It’s been announced that  OpenAI will be “gradually” enabling ChatGPT to use plugins for certain groups of ChatGPT users to begin with, starting with ChatGPT Plus subscribers. It’s also beginning to roll…

Tech News : Intel Founder and Moore’s Law Creator Dies

Intel Founder and Moore’s Law Creator Dies

Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel Corp, predictor of home computing, and the creator of ‘Moore’s Law’ has died at the age of 94.  Intel Corporation  In July 1968, Gordon Moore famously co-founded Intel Corporation with Robert Noyce, who had previously co-founded Fairchild Semiconductor. Moore saw an opportunity to create a new company focused on…

Tech News : World Backup Day Is An Important Reminder

World Backup Day Is An Important Reminder

World Backup Day founder, Ismail Jadun, has said that March 31 will “will make everyone think about their situation, learn about the various options and get their files backed up”.  World Backup Day  World Backup Day, first celebrated in 2011, is an annual event (taking place on March 31) that’s dedicated to raising awareness about the…

Tech Insight : What is GPL And How Does It Affect Businesses?

What is GPL And How Does It Affect Businesses?

In this insight, we look at what GPL is, how it relates to the right to repair, and how businesses can be affected if other businesses don’t fulfil their obligation under GPL.  General Public License (GPL)  The General Public License (GPL) is a widely used open-source software license that grants users the right to use,…

Featured Article : ChatGPT-3(4...5...?) : What's Going On?

ChatGPT-3(4…5…?) : What’s Going On?

Following the news that Microsoft will soon be integrating Copilot, an AI large language model (LLM) like the one behind ChatGPT, into Microsoft 365, we look at how this will help businesses, what OpenAI’s GPT-4 will bring, and Google’s response.  Copilot  Microsoft announced last week that it will soon be adding Copilot to Microsoft365. Copilot…

Tech News : Dept. Of Health Spent More On iPhones Than Defibrillators

Dept. Of Health Spent More On iPhones Than Defibrillators

The UK government Department of Health (DOH) is facing criticism over a report that says it spent more on new Apple iPhones than it did on defibrillators last year.  £1.5 Million Spent On iPhones For Whitehall Staff  The report from the Mirror newspaper highlighted how, in 2022, the DOH spent £1.5 million buying iPhones for…

Tech-News : Microsoft 365 Gets ChatGPT Technology Called ‘Copilot’

Microsoft 365 Gets ChatGPT Technology Called ‘Copilot’

Microsoft has announced that it is to help users save time and increase productivity by embedding its AI chatbot ‘Copilot’ into popular Microsoft 365 apps.  Embedded In Popular Apps  Microsoft says that the Copilot chatbot has been embedded in the popular Microsoft 365 apps – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams. Like Chat GPT, Copilot is…

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