IT & Security News


Worries About Huawei Persist

Security fears about Huawei products being used in the new 5G networks are still being expressed by the Trump administration, while Google has clarified its position on the matter. What’s So Bad About Huawei? Back in July 2018,  espionage chiefs from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K. and the U.S. (the so-called ‘Five-Eyes’), agreed at…


Tech Tip – Windows Timeline

The Windows Timeline feature in Windows 10 allows you to look back over the timeline of activity (in the Windows apps that are supported in the feature) so that you can stay organised, save time in finding things, and pick up where you left off. To see your Windows Timeline: – Press the Windows Key…


Monitoring Your Printer Paper Use Can Help ‘Forest-Positive’ Printing

With HP leading the way, could “forest-positive” paper be a step in changing views on the environmental impact of some stationery products? Monitoring Your Paper How many times have you heard the analogy of how many trees must have been chopped down to produce a certain amount of paper? Just a few months ago Hewlett…


Tech Tip – Weather App In Windows 10

For this week’s topical tech tip, with weather conditions causing so much disruption and damage in the UK, Windows 10 provides personalised weather content to you via a desktop app: – Type ‘weather’ in the search box (bottom left) and select ‘MSN Weather’. – Select whether you want the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit and…


UK Job Candidates Favour Tech-Savvy Companies

New research conducted by Censuswide on behalf of Tableau Software has revealed that half of UK job candidates would reject a job offer from a company that offered no digital and data potential. Training The research results, which were obtained from 1,100 office workers and C-suite executives from across the UK, showed that a vacancy that offered digital…


‘Runet’ Test – Russia Unplugs Itself From The Internet

A little later than its original planned date of April 1st 2019, a recent test-run has seen Russia successfully ‘unplug’ itself from the Internet and prove that it can create its own state-controlled Intranet. Successfully Creating The ‘Runet’ The test, which was first announced back in February last year, is reported to have gone ahead…


Google In Talks About Paying Publishers For News Content

It has been reported that Google is in talks with publishers with a view to buying in premium news content for its own news services to improve its relationship with EU publishers, and to combat fake news. Expanding The Google News Initiative Reports from the U.S. Wall Street Journal indicate that Google is in preliminary…


AI, Supercomputers … and Storm Dennis

The disruption and damage caused by weather events affect businesses across the UK but having the benefit of early and detailed insights provided a by a new supercomputer system could enable businesses, organisations, agencies, local authorities and the government to plan and minimise disruption where possible, thereby saving billions of pounds per year. Climate Change…


Growth in Threats To Apple Compared To Windows Machines

In a trend that appears contrary to popular perceptions, the latest Malwarebytes (annual) State of malware report has revealed that the growth in attacks on Apple endpoints is outpacing the threats targeting Windows machines. 11 Threats Per Mac Endpoint The report shows Mac threats were up (2019) four-fold year on year with 11 threats per Mac endpoint…


Amazon Offering Custom ‘Brand Voice’

Amazon’s AWS is offering a new ‘Brand Voice’ capability to companies which enables them to create their own custom voice for Alexa that replaces the default voice with one that reflects their “persona”, such as the voice of Colonel Sanders for KFC. Brand Polly The capability is being offered through Amazon’s ‘Brand Polly’, the cloud…

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