IT & Security News

Featured Article : Twitter Roundup

Twitter Roundup

Here, we look at more of the rapid changes at Twitter, what the reaction has been, how this has affected the platform, plus the wider implications.  All Change  The beginning of Twitter’s (current) saga was when the world’s richest man, Tesla and SpaceX founder, Elon Musk bought shares in the social media giant back in…

Tech News : Starlink Broadband Trial In Cumbria

Starlink Broadband Trial In Cumbria

As part of Project Gigabit, the UK government has announced a trial of Starlink satellite broadband in the Lake District as part of wider plans to connect highly remote areas.  What Is Starlink?   Starlink, operated by billionaire Elon Musk’s SpaceX company uses a constellation of low orbit satellites around the earth (launched by SpaceX rockets)…

Tech News : Online Safety Bill Amendment Gets Mixed Reaction

Online Safety Bill Amendment Gets Mixed Reaction

The Government’s decision to amend the Online Safety Bill to allow ‘legal but harmful’ content has received a mixed reaction with criticism coming from The Samaritans.  What Is The Online Safety Bill?  The UK government’s Online Safety Bill, originally proposed by former PM Teresa May, is (draft) legislation that’s designed to place a ‘duty of care’…

What Was FTX All About?

What Was FTX All About?

Following news of the collapse of FTX, we look at what it was plus the events leading up to its demise and the effects going forward.  FTX  FTX, until very recently, was a Bahamas-based cryptocurrency exchange, founded in 2019 which at its peak (July 2021) had more than one million users and was the third-largest cryptocurrency exchange…

Quiet Quitting

‘Quiet Quitting’ …?

In this insight, we look at what ‘quiet quitting’ is, what its causes are, together with what could be done to prevent it.  Quiet Quitting?  Quiet quitting is a term commonly associated with employment where it refers to how workers decide to only do the job they’re being paid to without taking on extra duties…

Rising Data Management Costs Affecting Businesses

Rising Data Management Costs Affecting Businesses

A report from Seagate has highlighted how the rising costs of storing and managing data is hitting businesses hard.  One-Third Of Company Budgets  The report highlights how up to a third of company IT budgets are being eaten up by data management and storage costs at an average spend of £213,000 per year!   Sleeping Giant …

Robots Now Legally Lethal

Robots Now Legally Lethal

The announcement by San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors to allow the city’s police to use robots that can deploy “deadly force” in the fight against crime has been met with concern.  What Killer Robots?  According to a San Francisco Police Department policy document, the city has essentially approved the use of 17 robots, 5 of…

Tech Insight : Ultra-Accurate GPS (10 cm)

Ultra-Accurate GPS (10 cm)

In this insight, we take a closer look at the new alternative positioning system to GPS that is accurate to within an incredible 10 centimetres.  Issues With Current GPS System  Society heavily relies on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) like GPS for positioning and navigation, as well as the distribution of time and frequency reference…

Featured Article : AI Content Legal Challenges

AI Content Legal Challenges

Following a copyright lawsuit against an AI code generator and industry questions about who actually owns images made by AI text-to-image generators, we look at the legal issues (and others) surrounding generative AI.  The Issue  The recent lawsuit and questions from coders, artists, musicians, and other creatives show that the challenge is that there is…

Tech News : Personalised (Printed) Pills

Personalised (Printed) Pills

A Helsinki startup has developed a ‘Medicine-as-a-Service’ system where drugs can be 3D printed to exactly match the needs of the patient in terms of their size, physiology, species, plus any allergies.  CurifyLabs    According to CurifyLabs, the startup that has created the system, there is one big drawback to the existing methods of administering medication.…

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