IT & Security News

Tech News : Could ‘Organoid’ Computers Be Next?

Could ‘Organoid’ Computers Be Next?

Researchers from the John Hopkins University working with Dr Brett Kagan (chief scientist at Cortical Labs in Melbourne) have reported that brain ‘organoid’ biocomputing devices could be the next ‘big thing’ in computing.  What Is A Brain Organoid?  Computers powered by brain cells could use ‘brain organoids’, which are (pen) dot-sized clusters of cell cultures made…

Benefits of Including Guest Content In Your Emails

It’s obviously a good idea for a managed service provider to ensure that they send a regular email newsletter to their clients and prospects. Not only does this help with a DRIP campaign (differentiate, remind, inform, persuade) but it also offers another (often undervalued) benefit as well, namely credibility. This is especially true for the…

Throttling And The “Big Switchoff”

Throttling And The “Big Switchoff”

With OpenReach now ‘throttling’ broadband speeds and limiting phone calls as measures designed to gently “nudge” customers to upgrade as the “Big Switchoff” approaches, we look at exactly what’s happening, why, and when.   What Is The Great Switchoff?  The “Big Switchoff” refers to the switch from the old copper phone network to a new ‘Digital Voice’ alternative. Back…

Tech-Insight : TikTok Trouble?

TikTok Trouble?

Following the banning of Chinese short video sharing app TikTok from EU and US government devices, plus more trouble on the way in Canada, we look at some of the reasons why.  Banned From EU Government Devices  The European Commission recently decided to ban the TikTok app from staff phones (work and personal devices). EC…

Tech News : New Meta Verified Blue Badge Subscription Service

New Meta Verified Blue Badge Subscription Service

Meta has announced it’s launching its own version of Twitter’s Blue Tick called ‘Meta Verified’ for Facebook and Instagram where users pay a monthly subscription to be verified on the platforms.  Announcement  On February 19, Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced that Meta is starting the rollout of its new ‘Meta Verified’ subscription service for Facebook…

Tech News : IT Security Threatened By Professional Burnouts

IT Security Threatened By Professional Burnouts

A Mimecast spokesman has warned that in a labour market already stretched by shortages, Dutch digital resilience could be threatened if more attention isn’t paid to the mental well-being of cyber security professionals.  Wanting To Change Jobs  Recent research commissioned by Mimecast in the Netherlands showed that a quarter of Dutch IT professionals are considering…

Hashtag Homework

The humble hashtag has a long and varied history. It’s technical term is ‘octothorpe’ and it can be traced back to ancient civilizations where it was used as a symbol for weight or measure while in the middle ages, it was used in music notation to indicate a sharp note. Recent Hashtag Updates In the…

Tech Insight : What Are SPF, DKIM, And DMARC Records?

What Are SPF, DKIM, And DMARC Records?

In this insight, we look at the popular email authentication protocols SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, how they work, why they’re important, and what happens if they’re not set up properly.  What Is SPF?  SPF, or Sender Policy Framework, is an email authentication protocol used to verify the sender of an email message. It is used…

Featured Article : Usage Based Pricing And Now Hybrid Pricing

Usage Based Pricing And Now Hybrid Pricing

Although Openview’s recent second report shows that most SaaS companies used usage-based pricing last year, many are now moving to hybrid models.  What Is Usage Based Pricing?  Usage-based pricing (UBP) is a pricing model where customers are charged based on how much they use a particular product or service. In the context of SaaS (Software…

Tech News : 2FA Storm At Twitter

2FA Storm At Twitter

Twitter-owner Elon Musk’s latest decision to turn off SMS 2FA after 20 March unless you pay for Blue Tick has caused another storm of criticism.  What And Why?  On 15 February, Twitter announced that: “starting today, we will no longer allow accounts to enroll in the text message/SMS method of 2-Factor Authentication unless they are Twitter…

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