IT & Security News

Quantum Breakthroug In Oxford

Oxford’s Secure Quantum Computing Breakthrough

Researchers at Oxford University’s UK Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub claim to have made what could be an important breakthrough in quantum computing security.  The Issue  As things stand, if businesses want to use cloud-based quantum computing services, they face privacy and security issues when trying to do so over a network, similar to the…

FM Dominance

FM Market Dominance Concerns

Following an initial report on AI Foundation Models (FMs) last year, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has expressed “real concerns” about it and is investigating the dominance of a small number of big tech firms at the centre of the FM market.  Foundation Models  Foundation models (FMs) are AI systems / large-scale machine learning…


Stop Your Data Being Used To Train AI 

In this insight, we look at the process of AI training, the potential pitfalls of misused data, and what measures can be taken to protect your personal and business data from being used to train AI.  Data – For AI Training  AI training, at its core, involves feeding large datasets to algorithms, thereby enabling them…

Printer Problems

A Big Stink About Ink

After trying to dismiss a lawsuit from HP customers angry at a firmware update (meaning that their HP printers wouldn’t work with third-party ink cartridges), we look at how HP is answering the arguments within the antitrust ink cartridge lawsuit and what the implications could be for customers. The Lawsuit Back in January, printing premier…

Rampant Referrals - Part 14

Rampant Referrals For MSPs – Part 7

Okay, so as a quick recap, last time we looked at how referrals can be sabotaged in terms of personality issues. Specifically, we looked at : – Underestimating the Importance of Soft Skills– Lack of Personal Connection– Lack of ProfessionalismAnd then we looked at the personality traits to foster, namely empathy, trustworthiness, enthusiasm, and likeability.…

Apple To Allow Retro Console Game Emulators

Apple To Allow Retro Console Game Emulators On App Store Globally 

As part of its compliance with EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) rules, Apple has announced a change in its App Store rules to allow emulators for retro console games globally. The change allows an option for downloading the titles, but Apple has warned the developers of such emulator apps that need to follow copyright rules. …

Unbundling Teams

Headaches For MSPs As Microsoft Unbundles Teams 

Microsoft’s announcement that it will sell its chat and video app Teams separately from its Office product globally is likely to cause considerable headaches for IT departments and managed service providers. Why Unbundle?  Teams is to be unbundled and sold separately globally (it’s been unbundled in the EU since last October) in response to an…

Google Paid Searches

Google May Charge For AI Internet Searches 

Google is reportedly considering charging for premium AI-powered Internet searches as the company fears that AI chatbots are undercutting its search engine.  Advertising-Funded  Google, up until now, has relied mainly on an advertising-funded business model (Google Ads) as a way to collect data and monetise its market-leading search. However, it seems that fears around users…

Digital Mindfulness

Could ‘Digital Mindfulness’ Reduce Your Tech Stress? 

In this insight, we look at what ‘digital mindfulness’ is, how it could help you and your business, and what challenges there are to introducing it.  The ‘Digital Stress’ Problem  Although the digital age has revolutionised work in terms of levels of productivity and connectivity, it has come at a cost. A significant challenge emerging…

Tesla Taxis

Tesla Robotaxi In August

Following a fall in Tesla EV sales and profits, Tesla boss Elon Musk has announced that he’ll be unveiling a ‘Robotaxi’ on August 8 this year.  May Swap Lower Cost EV For Robotaxi  Reports initially indicated that Mr Musk’s Tesla company would be abandoning its plans to build a lower-cost EV (the Model 2) in favour…

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