How MSPs Can Get 4X More Client Engagement
Here's How Videos Can Dramatically Boost Sales For Your MSP Business.
With video now accounting for over 80% of the traffic on the internet, it might not come as a surprise that people spend an average of 16 hours per week viewing online videos, which is up from about 6 and a half hours as recently as 2019.
It’s been suggested this voracious appetite for video is partly down to its flexibility – i.e. people can watch online videos at a time and place that’s convenient to them via their PC, tablet or more often, their phone. This enables them to process important or complex information and – unlike expensive and inflexible classroom training – they can break it down into chunks and learn at their own speed and watch it multiple times if necessary.
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Companies Using Videos Grew Revenues 49% Faster Than Those That Didn’t
Employees Are 75% More Likely To Watch Company Videos Than Read Documents
(Forrester Research)
72% of Customers Prefer To Learn About Services By Video Than Other Media
Wyzowl Research
Have You Heard That People Recall Just 20% Of What They Read Of What They Watch ...?
Which Is Why Onboarding With Videos Is Key For Employees
Companies which have a well-executed onboarding process for their employees have a higher job satisfaction rating, greater organisational commitment, and an average employee retention rate of 86%.
This supports LinkedIn’s Recent Workplace Learning Report which stated that: “80% of learning and development professionals agree that developing employees is top-of-mind for the executive team”.
Employees and Clients Face a Rapidly Changing IT Landscape
As you’ll already know, the IT landscape is changing incredibly quickly and if you think that’s challenging for you, just imagine how confusing and difficult this will be for your managed service prospects and clients.
This means that companies are often left feeling bewildered and frustrated whilst their IT providers are acting reactively, rather than proactively . This is because the IT team often just don’t have the time or resources available to provide their clients with the ever-increasing requirements to keep them informed and ahead in terms of IT security and business productivity or other issues.

Threats - Every Day It's Getting More Serious
With people working remotely and/or in the cloud and with data being more precious than ever before, it’s little wonder that hackers are preying on your clients. It’s more important than ever that not only are they kept as safe as possible with software and hardware solutions but that they are kept informed as to what to do and what not to do.
IT Training videos can help.

Greg Micallef
"The weekly content supplied by MKLink is fantastic, and our open and click through rates are well above the industry averages.
Furthermore, the events and webinars etc that I have attended have always been very useful, informative, and engaging,
and I have no hesitation in recommending MKLink."

Opportunities - More Ways To Create Better Margins Than Ever
With change comes opportunities. This means circumstances are always available for your clients to create additional margins and the same goes for you. Irrespective of the financial or political environment, there is no shortage of opportunities, merely a shortage of time available to leverage them.
Additional margins can come from increased productivity or decreased costs. Or, better still, both.
When business people know how to get the most out of their IT, efficiency and productivity is increased, as well as secondary benefits such as job-satisfaction. Knowing where the opportunities are to improve efficiencies, reduce costs and thereby maximise profitability is the key.
Again, IT training videos can help.

Andy Wilkinson
"I’ve looked at various options for having an IT-related newsletter sent out to our customers and prospects on our behalf and yours is definitely the best value I’ve found, particularly combined with the excellent UK-based MSP community you have created around the chat group.
It works well in that due to our respective geographical locations we don’t tread on each other’s toes, so it makes for valuable discussions in the group, some of which continue offline too. Your down-to-earth, no-nonsense approach is very much appreciated.
Please keep going!"

Digital Marketing - Keep Your Clients At The Forefront Of What Works
As well as keeping your clients and prospects safe, secure, legally compliant and efficient with their business productivity, you can now help them to recruit and retain more leads and sales via an increasing repertoire of digital marketing skills.
Online marketing doesn't sit still and so neither should you or your clients - everyone is hungry to know the latest tools and techniques that generate leads and sales.
Once again, online videos can help.

Thomas Jenkins
"MKLINK keep us well informed of what’s going on in the world of MSP marketing and I’m very happy with the information, feedback and training we’re getting. This is a fantastic group to belong to, I feel honoured to have been a member for a number of years.
Thanks Mike and the team."

Noise - Getting Your MSP Business Noticed Above The Clutter
Having your own video vault accompanied with your corporate branding, means you can make your prospects and clients feel like VIPs when you provide them with exclusive, private access to a dynamic range of IT training videos aimed at gently showing them how to stay safe, secure and legally-compliant, as well as how they can increase their business productivity.
On top of this, now they can discover how to market themselves better online, so that overall, they can continually develop their IT security, business efficiency and marketing competitiveness.
Trying to attract customers’ attention can be difficult among all the modern day to day distractions and noise being generated by competitors and peers. However, most of that noise is just vacuous content such as status updates and likes and emoticons and reposts and shares and suchlike so most of the noise it is just useless babble with very little value.
Being drowned out by this background noise is especially true for many Managed Service Providers operating in a hyper-competitive industry where they typically have no real differentiation or USP and have lacklustre positioning.
However, by providing clearly-differentiated proper value, regularly and consistently, i.e. helpful, relevant and non-salesy IT training videos, your communications can shine through the fog and help position you and your company as a valued and trusted thought-leader to be listened to.

Tom Lawrence
"We have been working with Mike and the team to help develop our marketing strategy and provide relevant regular content for our own blog.
Mike provides straight-talking advice that has given us new ideas and focus to help improve the inflow of new business leads / referrals."

Communications - Your Clients Feel Like VIPs With Content-On-Demand
Allowing your prospects and clients access to your exclusive, company-branded portal where they can log-in and watch scores of essential videos to help them with online security, business productivity and digital marketing, will help keep them secure, efficient and competitive. All of which means they’ll keep coming back for more and plus they have regular, tangible reasons to share the information with their colleagues and refer you to other businesses.
This is on top of ensuring you can provide a compelling reason for prospects to register an interest in your company in the first place, i.e. it creates valuable lead magnets for your marketing collateral.
With two new videos being uploaded each week, you can be sure that the content stays fresh, relevant, engaging and sharable, especially as it’s accompanied with an oven-ready weekly marketing email you can use which saves you having to research or write it and which explains the benefits of the recent videos to your recipients, to keep them coming back for more.
The communication is two-way when your recipients can feel they’re being listened to because they can request specific training videos if a particular topic isn’t already covered and (where practical) they’ll see the videos have been added to the training vault soon afterward they requested it – all of which helps “wow” your recipients and keep them engaged and feeling valued and listened to by your company.

Simon Beckett
"Mike and his team have done a great job creating and managing content for us, and building our contacts and referrals.
Honest and down to earth."

Risk-Free Trial - See For Yourself ...
As you're reading this, your prospects and customers could be watching quality videos you’ve provided for them.
Even if it’s just used as a new staff-member onboarding tool, this platform increases their perception of your business. For clients, it promotes more requests for upsells and generates more referrals by virtue of giving them something valuable and crucially – shareable - to forward to their business colleagues at other companies, thereby helping generate a regular stream of additional referrals for you.
With benefits including everything from onboarding new staff about security protocols to reducing insurance premiums and ensuring people know how to use Microsoft office products properly or getting more enquiries online, you can be sure there’s content that they’ll find valuable and remember – they can ask for other training videos to be added as well.
Check-out our testimonials and register here to reserve your month’s trial today while the promotional offer-price is very low and discover for yourself why other MSP owners are getting more and better business for such a low monthly investment, all without tie-ins or contracts so that your membership runs only for as long as you’re happy with your results.
If that’s not enough, we offer a full money-back guarantee on your month’s trial so if you let us know that you’re unhappy for any reason within 30 days, we’ll refund your trial month’s service in full with no quibbles. So go ahead and register for your month’s trial now.
Your Guarantee £4.95+vat Refunded If Unhappy After Your Trial Period
The usual price for a service like this is £195+vat per month, with a £500 set-up fee and a 12 month minimum contract. But ... we're doing away with all those nasty fees!!! After your month’s £4.95 trial is over, you can cancel your subscription if you feel that membership isn’t for you.
Furthermore, we'll even refund your trial month’s fee of £4.95+vat with no quibbles and you can keep your bonuses regardless.
To be clear, after your month's trial, assuming you're happy to continue and haven't asked to cancel, membership continues at the regular price of just £99+vat and once again, you can cancel at any time in the future should you wish, with no further payments being due. Hurry though, that low promotional price is only for the first 100 subscribers.
In summary, we're making this a no-brainer so you can see whether offering your clients and prospects IT training videos is right for your MSP business.
The Price - Just £99+vat Regular Monthly Price (After £4.95 Trial Period)
When You Apply For Your Month's Trial Service Now, You'll Get :
- 1 Month Subsidised by Us
(i.e. Your Trial Month at just £4.95+vat) - Your Own Branded Company Portal Setup By Us
(i.e. £295 Design Fees Waived) - Cancel Any Time
(i.e. 12 Months Contract Waived) - Full Access To Scores Of Videos - 2 Fresh Videos Added Weekly
- Weekly Oven-Ready Marketing Emails You Can Use To Send Out
- Read-Access to Private MSP Member's Group Chat
- Ability For You/Your Clients To Request Video To Be Made
Remember, you can cancel at any time and if you're not delighted with your trial month's membership, we'll refund your £4.95+vat.
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trusted and reliable business solutions
MKLINK have helped businesses achieve their objectives via strategic marketing and providing operational resources since 1998.